Criticism and complaints centre on Carnivoo Marshalls couldn’t-care-less stance and cost of sausages.

There were complaints last night that some of the over-zealous Carnivoo Marshalls had been over-zealous with…

Down with this sort of thing

The excitement continues to build in Smalltown as the Carnivoo start time draws closer. Bill Old,…

Smalltown closed

. All roads into Smalltown will be closed to traffic and over-zealous Carnivoo Marshalls will be…

It’s here!

The highlight of the Smalltown year is finally upon us – it’s Carnivoo Day! In common…

Retail Expert issues warning

Smalltown Retail Expert and Carnivoo Authority Dani Norris has recently added a new string to her…

It’s THAT time of year again

Smalltown and Dullbridge Carnivoo organisers have issued their annual appeal for volunteers. Madley Dangeridge, one of…

Book signing on, off and on again

World renowned local author, Nicholas Voyd, has confirmed that he will be appearing at G.W. Hurlings…

Lady Brassy dictates again

Buoyed by having successfully ignored all complaints levelled at her Smalltown Shops (SS) group, regarding the…