Election Fears

Fears are growing that a small number of elderly people could be seriously affected by the…

Missing Person spotted

Smalltown and Highbridge Missing Person, Tim Teepee, has been briefly spotted making a statement telling us…

Councillors still Confused

Confusion still reigns over the resignation from the Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council of Cllr Ellen…

SomersetClive Missing

Several regular readers have contacted SomersetClive to complain that their copies haven’t been delivered. The copies…

Hurricane Harold causes havoc

Readers have been calling in to the SomersetClive news desk with reports of storm damage in…

Cheese Festival duo attend opening

Margo and Barbara Farmhouse-Kitchener, the brains behind Smalltown’s successful Cheese Festival, have returned home after attending…

Press Censorship

Here at SomersetClive we are committed to bringing you ALL the news, but it seems that…

New 2G mobile mast

Plans for a 2G mast in Smalltown have been submitted to Sadgebore District Council for approval.…

Fears Squire is becoming absent minded

Word has reached SomersetClive that Squire Teflon’s shiny coating has once again protected him from being…

Media Tycoon writes Bells

Smalltown’s Media Tycoon, Mike Newell, is bidding for a job with SomersetClive, by publishing non-stories, rather…