With time running out before the judges from the national Britain in Flower Festival (BIFF) arrive in Smaltown and Dullbridge, organisers of the Smalltown in Flower Festival (STIFF) are beginning to panic and have issued an urgent appeal to residents and businesses in the towns to come forward.
Dave Ferrett, Chairman of STIFF, told SomersetClive “We are getting desperate now. We normally get a fair number of entries, but this year we’ve seen far fewer than normal, possibly because a rumour has gone around the towns that SaD Headmistress, Mayor and Dictator Cllr Kelsey Dullard is judging the competition and will be requiring householders and businesses to offer her tea and cake as she carries out her judging duties.
We would like to reassure everyone that no decision has yet been taken as to who will judge our competition, and we are hoping that if we keep quiet, Dictator Dullard won’t even realise there is a competition.
The number of entries has been really disappointing so far. There are 94 categories for residents and businesses in Smalltown and Dullbridge to enter and we really need some entries to add some colour to our area before the judges arrive.
A further problem has been causes by the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council’s decision to cut back on maintenance spending by firstly joining in with ‘No Mow May’ and carrying that ethos though with ‘Just Leave It June’ some areas of Smalltown are looking particularly drab and unkempt and we are now actively seeking some cut-price tins of green paint, so that we can spray the grass to make it look more attractive.”
If any residents have any spare green paint they are asked to contact Mr Ferret who will give them a paintbrush and full instructions on how to brighten up their local area.