Chernobyl-by-Sea Power Station has come to am agreement with the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council to hand over several brown envelopes stuffed with cash to mitigate the building of Chernobyl C Station.
Fridgpond will be the main beneficiary, with a windfall of £1 million pounds being added to the recent £19.4 million awarded from the Government’s Levelling Fund to create a new Health and Wellbeing Campus in the town.
In comparison Bream is to receive a paltry £225,000, which will be used to market the area as a tourism destination. It is hoped that the cash will help mitigate the closure of Don’tins, which is now being used to house Chernobyl workers.
Bream businesses have already seen a downturn in the number of visitors to the area and this has had a knock on effect, with fewer people spending money in local shops, pubs and cafes.
Currently around 200 Chernobyl-by-Sea workers are being housed at Don’tins, with the number expected to rise to 900 once work to upgrade the accommodation has been completed. However, with around 3000 holidaymakers a week previously visiting the site during the summer season Bream tourism bosses believe that this will lead to reduced spending in the area.
In an attempt to stop the business owners moaning about the lack of trade, £75,000 of the money will be paid directly from the £225,000 to silence critics.
A spokesperson for Chernobyl-by-Sea said “We are investing a lot of money into upgrading the Don’tins site, which will hugely benefit the owners, Gritangrime Motels, so I don’t really understand why all the other business owners are complaining.”
A representative of Visit Bream, a consortium of businesses in the village, commented that the sum on offer is “a joke” and added “The money given to the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council isn’t even going to cover the cost of filling all the potholes in the road which will undoubtedly be caused by the constant stream of buses transporting workers to and from the site – that’s if the County Council doesn’t hive it off to use elsewhere.” The group has vowed to continue moaning.