Following dire warnings of snow and ice issued yesterday by the Deparartment of Weather and Precipitation and reported breathlessly by local media outlets, residents of Smalltown and Dullbridge awoke this morning to find that, once again, there is NO SNOW.
Instead of the forecast ‘blanket of snow’ residents were dismayed to find that it is only raining.
Smalltown resident Jim Gullible of 46 Grumbly Gardens said “I read the weather reports yesterday and then spent two hours in my attic last night trying to locate the sled. Having located it I dragged it downstairs fully expecting to be having a day off work today and was really looking forward to spending the day sledging. I would have been better off spending my time looking for my lilo.”
The predicted freezing temperatures which it was claimed could lead to dangerous ice on roads and pavements in Smalltown and Dullbridge has also failed to materialise.
Residents, who were previously advised to stay indoors if at all possible to negate the risk to life and limb, are now being told ‘Don’t forget your umbrella and raincoat.’