SaDTC confirm new definition of transparent

The suggestion made by Cllr Banish Barracuda during the recent Finance and Misappropriation Committee meeting that matters relating to decisions made by the White Elephant Mismanagement Committee be ‘more transparent’ appears to have fallen on deaf ears.

The Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council website, where insomniacs can attempt to find relief by reading through the minutes of recent council meetings, currently carries a link to the minutes of the last WEE meeting, which was held on 15th November.

Except it doesn’t. The link actually shows the minutes of the WEE meeting held in April. No reference to the minutes of either the 15 November or the 18th October committee meetings is available on the website.

Whether this is down to staff incompetence or the mysterious hand of Squire Teflon is unknown, but it would seem that when it comes to the WEE SaDTC will continue to define ‘transparent’ as ‘opaque’.

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