Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD Town Councillor Rob Apprentice-Candlestick-Maker has told SomersetClive that he is “over the rainbow” after receiving acknowledgment from the BeFuddled Party that he is a ‘Novice and Wet-Behind-the-Ears BeFuddled Candidate’.
“I’m so chuffed! I’m literally over the rainbow hearing this news!” he said” I’m now officially a Green BeFuddled. With a certificate and everything. I’ll admit that, in common with all the other new BeFuddled Party Town Councillors, I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing in Council meetings, but I’m the first of our local party to have my naivity officially recognised.”
Headmistress and Town Mayor, Kelsey Dullard said “It’s lovely to see Rob achieve full ‘Wet-Behind-the-Ears’ status. He’s a lovely boy and it’s well deserved.”
Depury Head and Deputy Mayor, Eugenie Sherry, added “It’s true that the majority of us don’t have a clue about Council procedure and Rob has been late to meetings on a couple of occasions, because he’s been at his after-school clubs, but we’ve worked hard on his attendance and I now pick him up from school on council meeting nights so that he doesn’t have to rely on the bus. I’m delighted to see his hard work has paid off.”
Rob is now expected to get a glowing report from the Headmistress at the end of term.