Things hotting up in Smalltown and Dullbridge

Carnivoo Marshals erecting barricades in Smalltown

Yet more reports of unusual sightings have come into the SomersetClive office as interest in the weird ‘things’ roaming the streets has intensified.

Officials from the Department of Odd Things, Teleportation and Immigration (DOTTI) are rumoured to be enroute to Smalltown and Dullbridge to begin investigations.

Meanwhile Smalltown Town Centre resident Jeremy Nincompoop has revealed that he had a close-up and personal encounter with the ‘thing’, telling SomersetClive “It accosted me in the middle of Main Street, as I was making my way home from the Blitz Social Club. I’ll admit I’d had a bit of a skinful but I know a little green man when I see one.

He asked to borrow my mobile, but I told him to sod off and directed him to the public phone box in White Elephant Enclosure Street.”

The DOTTI men are due to arrive in the area by midday and will be working with the Coastguard, Smalltown Area Ship, Hovercraft and Helicopter (SMASHH), the Really Needy Lifesaving Association (RNLA), Somerset Fire Service, Somerset Police, and the Carnivoo Marshals to cordon off both towns. Residents will only be permitted to cross the barriers if they have a signed letter from their mum.

SomersetClive will update this story when we get more information.

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