Portrait unveiled

Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Headmistress, Mayor and Dictator Cllr Kelsey Dullard has unveiled a new painting…

BeFuddled Party announce decision

The Fridgpond BeFuddled Party has announced their ‘choice’ of Candidate for the next General Election in…

Dictator Dullard is BeFuddled

Addressing members of Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council at the recent Full Council meeting Headmistress, Mayor…

Squire Teflon turns pimp

.It has recently been revealed that Squire Teflon has added a new string to his bow…

SomersetClive. An apology.

SomersetClive would like to issue an apology to our readers for the lack of news yesterday.…

Dullbridge businesses step in to help

Two Dullbridge businesses have teamed up to support the Dullbridge War Memorial Trust in their fundraising…

SaDTC new marketing campaign

In a desperate attempt to raise funds, in order to avoid falling into the financial abyss…

Guest Columnist Councillor Apprentice-Candlestick on

The YMCA When I personally think of the YMCA I always immediately start singing the song…

SaD TC plan to profit from charity

It has been revealed that Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council are planning to take vital…

What’s on

Former Councillor Fencesitter, together with the Smalltown Permanent Arts Manager (SPAM), Susie Cookbook, and the Smalltown…