Next Monday voters in Dullbridge will be heading to the polls to mark their X in the box next to their preferred candidate to fill the space on Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council, after BeFuddled Councillor Captain Rumm tendered his resignation.
Today SomersetClive takes a look at what the Working Man’s Party candidate, Kimberley Fierce, promises to do for Dullbridge if elected.
“Dullbridge has seen a heck of a lot of housing development over recent years, and new houses are still being built, despite the objections of local residents who don’t like the green parts of their town being covered in concrete.
However, it’s quite obvious that the whole of Smalltown and Dullbridge needs even more new homes. Lots and lots of new homes.
These will provide more housing for people from outside the area who can move in and put lots more pressure on the existing non-existent infrastructure.
We need to look at increasing services in the area. Schools, doctors, dentists, public transport, services for young people and parks and theatres. Apart from providing the White Elephant Enclosure which is available only to those with enough money to but tickets, all of these things are things that Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council can’t do anything about and if I’m elected as your SaD Town Council representative I won’t be able to do anything about it either.
I’ve been to Dullbridge Highbridge Town Centre a few times and there are some brilliant shops and cafes, but it could be even better. Residents need to visit the local businesses more, and if elected I will propose purchasing some cattle prods so we can get the residents out spending money they don’t have to support the shops.
Lots of people in Dullbridge have limited financial resources. For me, that means that SaDTC should fund public services, such as transport, and other things that they currently don’t fund because these things are the responsibility of other councils. I believe that every pound that the town spends should be effective and responsive to people’s needs, rather than going to support a venue for Capitalist Elephants.
If I am elected I would work with the other councillors that represent Dullbridge (whoever they are, I’m not sure) to bring a positive vision for the town.
All Dullbridge needs is love. With love anything can be achieved. Love is what makes the world go round. You can’t go wrong with love. Oh. And houses. Lots of love and lots of houses.
There. That’s good isn’t it? I’ve promised lots of things that I can’t possibly deliver – apart from encouraging more building work.