Staff at Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council continue to do battle with the Town Council website.
Regular readers may remember that a short time ago all visitors to the site were greeted by an advertisement for the Town Council’s ‘Memorial Memory Remembrance Benches‘ scheme, whereby residents can sponsor a bench in honour of a loved one. The advertisement appeared on every single page and led to residents commenting that it looked as if SaDTC was dead and buried. Sadly this proved not to be the case.
Now it seems that the Staff at the Hayloft Road Palace Retirement Home for Bemused and Bewildered BeFuddled Party ex-Teachers (and Others) have gone one step further as the content for the entire website has vanished.
Smalltown resident Irene Bland told SomersetClive “I tried to visit the Town Council website to find out what Dictator Dullard advises us to do if we nerd to change a light bulb. Instead of a page showing me the greenest way to change a bulb I found myself looking at nothing.
The website now really sums up SaD Town Council. Empty and not fit for purpose.
It’s probably going to cost another shed load of money to get some Top Secret IT specialists in to fix it.”
SomersetClive understands that the problem has been caused by the Smalltown and Dullbridge Smalltown Administration Deputy (SADSAD), Eileen Mutton who had been trying to update Dictator Dullard’s Speech to the Nation, only to discover that there isn’t enough bandwidth in the world to include all the words needed and causing the website to spontaneously combust.