Former Councillor and Mrs Fencesitter have been doing their bit to prop up the ailing White Elephant Enclosure, having attended both the ballet and a play last week
Former Councillor Fencesitter said “Mrs Fencesitter and I had a lovely week last week. We much enjoyed the Ballet at the White Elephant Enclosure on Tuesday and thoroughly enjoyed the play on Thursday. Great to have live theatre available in the town.
The Smalltown Culture And Arts Media and Promotion Individual (SCAMPI), May Tricks said “I am so glad Former-Councillor Fencesitter and his wife enjoyed the ballet and the play. They were part of a very small audience who paid £20 per ticket to watch.”
However, not everyone was as happy as Former-Councillor Fencesitter with resident of Dullbridge, Oliver Twist saying “How the other half live, eh. Imagine having £20 to spend at the White Elephant Enclosure. If I had £20 to spend I’d buy some food instead of having to use a food bank.”
Smalltown pensioner Nancy Sikes agreed saying “Some people live in a different world, don’t they? We can’t afford to turn our heating on, but Former-Councillor Fencesitter and his wife can spend £80 for a few hours of entertainment.
Never mind, at least it’s a few pennies income for the WEE. With any luck Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council won’t need to put our Council Tax up again next year. That’s assuming Former-Councillor Fencesitter actually pays for his tickets and doesn’t get them free as a former member of the White Elephant Enclosure Mismanagement Committee.”
The current Cost of Living crisis and rising inflation means that many residents of Smalltown and Dullbridge are struggling to survive. However, on a positive note, thinking about how much enjoyment Former-Councillor Fencesitter has had from a few nights out at our expense is sure to warm our hearts and give us a lovely glow. Which means we won’t need to worry about feeling quite so cold as we huddle together around a lump of cold trying not to die from hypothermia.
Let us all doff our threadbare caps. Don’t it warm yer cockles, guvnor? Thanking you for your kind generosity.
what a pity if i had known they had the ballet there i could have gone. and i do love a nice play as well. still thier loss (on the money i mean)