Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council was forced to cancel the Planning and Scheming meeting, scheduled for 27th September, at very short notice after it emerged that not enough members of the eight member committee were able to attend.
The rescheduled meeting, held on 3rd October, saw four Councillors attend, and they whizzed through the applications before them, agreeing not to raise any comments on any of the agenda items, so that they could get home in time for Coronation Street.
The SaD TC Planning and Scheming Committee, is not considered to be particularly interesting by Councillors and many struggle to find the motivation to attend.
Councillor Captain Rumm had already tendered his resignation, whilst Councillors Leftcame, Synn and Apprentice-Candlestick Maker all find the idea of attending any meetings at all very tedious, with the trio doing the bare minimum to avoid losing their positions under the six-month rule.
With Dictator Dullard and Councillors Hairdryer and Jock ‘Balcony’ McCads not serving on any committees, and Cllr Facelift finding the journey from his home town of Fridgpond difficult now that the winter nights are drawing in, this means that where once there were 18, SaDTC are currently relying on the same 10 Councillors for decisions.
At this rate it won’t be long before Squire Teflon is able to out vote any BeFuddled Party proposals – if he can round up his stray party members and force them to attend.