Decision Ping-Pong

Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council will be holding yet another ‘Extraordinary’ Full Town Council meeting tonight at the Hayloft Road Palace Retirement Home for Bemused and Bewildered BeFuddled Party ex-Teachers (and Others).

The subjects up for discussion will be the SaD Christmas Lights and a proposal to site 94 trees in planters along the Promenade in Smalltown.

The scheme has been suggested by resident Gloria Gaynor who managed to secure a grant of £5000 from the Chernobyl-by-Sea Slush Fund earlier this year to cover the costs.

With the money in place, Ms. Gaynor then approached the land owners, the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council, for permission to site the trees in the vicinity of the Smalltown Area Ship Hovercraft and Helicopter (SMASHH) building.

Unfortunately, in yet another example of how slowly the wheels of ANYUSSC turn, the relevant department of ANYUSCC has taken several months to decide whether to grant permission before finally deciding to ask SaDTC for their views.

Not content with dithering for months over the proposal both ANYUSCC and SaDTC have also overlooked telling Ms Gaynor that the item is on the agenda for discussion tonight and consequently SaD Councillors have not been party to the full plan.

Ms Gaynor had applied for a temporary license running from September to site the trees, however with the scheme now coming before SaDTC for comment before returning to ANYUSCC for more thinking and talking, it may just be approved in time for September 2024.

Ms Gaynor told SomersetClive “At first I was afraid, now I’m furious
Keep thinking, how can they my proposal discuss,
When they don’t have all the fine details that they need to agree,
It’s just crazy
I only want to plant a tree!
And now the plan’s back
With SaD Town Council from ANYUSCC, I’m afraid I’m losing track,
But they don’t have all the details of the hard work that I’ve put in,
They may as well put the whole idea into a wheelie bin.

I’m going to go to tell them how
I plan to plant trees,
And ask the council to allow
Me to brighten up the sea front with flowers and trees,
It’s taking so long,
Summer will be gone before they agree.

The trees are here, but won’t survive
We need to get them in position so they thrive,
It’s such a simple thing, just a little yes or no,
I can’t believe a decision can be this slow.”

Since taking control of SaD Town Council from the Illiberals over a year and a half ago, the BeFuddleds have held so many Extraordinary Meetings that they are becoming quite Ordinary.

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