Local community group Our Dullbridge continue to make progress in their campaign to make Dullbridge a nice place to live, despite the lack of interest from either Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council or the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council.
The needs of the once-thriving market town of Dullbridge have been continually ignored by successive Town, District and Cuonty Councils, unless it is to approve the construction of thousands of homes. However, Our Dullbridge, a group set up by residents for residents is slowly but surely bringing about change by fostering community spirit through a variety of events.
Having teamed up with Wildlife Somerset to firm the Purple and Orange Pathways Project (POPP) which aims to introduce people to a network of pathways which take in the last remaining green areas of Dullbridge, which run alongside the River Brewer, the group has now released details of an event which takes place tomorrow in the town.
The Riverbank Actors Collective will be performing ‘The Rabbit, The Grass and the Housing Estate, a tale of one rabbit’s struggle after he is made homeless by developers ripping up the fields around his burrow to build rabbit hutches, forcing him to find a new home.
The free event takes place on the Green, near Dullbridge Train Station. The Green recently survived wanton destruction thanks to the failure of the Re-Imagine Dullbridge scheme, which would have seen it ripped up and replaced by a car park.