After taking a break from his hectic European tour to perform at the recent underattended Under a Waxing Spoon Festival, Smalltown rap (with a silent C) artist Shaun Ryder-Partin also took time out to record a video for his new single ‘This is Your Life’ which was released this week on Ryder-Partin’s own Wavyline Records.
SomersetClive’s music correspondent Toni Blackbird took time out from her hectic schedule to ask Shaun about his new single and to discuss what Smalltown means to him.
“Hi, Shaun. How are you?”
“Alrite innit? Ow you doin, bro?”
“I’m very well, thank you. So, for all the pop-pickers out there in Smalltownland, can you perhaps tell us, in language that we can understand, what your new single is all about?”
“Yeah bro. It’s feckin mint innit? It’s about livin in some little sh1t hole of a town and how ya can get mixed up in crime and that. But lire is what ya feckin make of it, innit man?
Teachers told me I’d never be nothing or no one, but they was wrong weren’t them? Cuz I’m here and I’m loud and I can spit them rhymes make my English teacher proud. Right bro?”
“Errrm yes indeed. So the video. You’ve shot that in Smalltown. Why did you choose Smalltown?”
“It’s where I grew up, innit bro? I fecking love Smalltown. It’s where all me fecking mates and bros are. An to be onest, I ain’t really fecking been no place else. So it’s all my fav places around ere. Like in the pub wiv a pint of beer innit, under the pav wiv a pint of beer innit, in the pub wiv a pint of beer innit, changin me library books in the library wiv a pint of beer innit, in the pub wiv a pint of beer innit. Ya get my drift, bro?”
“Urm. Yes, I think I see what you mean.”
“You wanna ear a bit ov me new toon now? It’s a real toon. All me mates say so.”
“Now, this is a story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
And I’d like to take a minute
Just sit right down
I’ll tell you how I became the prince of a place called Smalltown.
In West Somersetshire born and raised
On the playground was where I spent most of my days
Chillin’ out, maxin’, relaxin’, all cool
Playing on the slide, the swings and football after school
Then a couple of guys who were up to no good
Started causing trouble in my neighborhood
I didn’t want to fight them, man that’s not my bag
So I sat em right down and gave em a toot on me fag.
So we’re all sat there getting nice and mellow
And words came in me head and I had to bellow
“You all better look out cos I’m gonna be a big star
Right after I get annuver pint of beer from the bar.”
Now I’ve hit the big time with 5 thousand views
Of me video – I’m telling you this is massive news
Soon you’ll be readin bout me in SomersetClive
See me on the streets give me a high five
Cos I’m the next big ting to come out of Smalltown
Who was the last?
Dunno but I’m a gunna wear that crown.”
“Thank you Shaun. That was very nice. Now I’ve been asked to say that your new single is available to download now. I’m not sure our readers will understand that, but there you go, I’ve done it.”
“Fanks, bro, innit. It’s going IntercontiMental, innit. Big up the Smalltown Massif, innit.”