Party members to be announced tonight

Addressing Councillors at last week’s White Elephant Enclosure Mismanagement Committee, Chairthing Deputy Dictator Cruella Sherry detailed her agreement to set up a working party to look at how other White Elephant Enclosure are set up, managed and funded.

Single-handedly running the entire meeting herself and reading from several prepared statements Deputy Dictator Sherry said “I agreed that I will invite a select number of members of this committee, my Top Secret Human Resources Sub Committee and the Finance and Malfea Committee to join my working party, so that we can decide which venues will be suitable for our Councillor Away Days.

The make up of this committee will be discussed and agreed at the next Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council Full Council meeting, so perhaps if we could all go home and have a little think about whether we are able to join that group that would be great.

This will be an after-school event and may well include trips out on the school coach as you conduct research for your projects.

There will be no need to bring a packed lunch, as one will be provided for you from the WEE budget, but you may like to bring a small amount of pocket money to spend in the gift shop.”

Councillors are due to find out tonight if they are lucky enough to have been selected for the SaD Council taxpayer funded jaunts.

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