Music lovers in Smalltown are eagerly awaiting the opening of the South-West’s newest music venue.
Ye Oldie Jetty Opera House in Jetty Street will open at 6pm with a Britney Gruesome tribute act and owner, Singing Landlord, Tom Portman told SomersetClive that he is excited to be able to bring a good mixture of local bands, national bands and international bands to Smalltown and eventually hopes to have live music nights four times a week.
Tom said “I have had a huge amount of local support since I announced my plans for The Jetty, people have told me that a music venue is exactly what Smalltown needs. Somewhere people can go to see singers and bands perform for free.
I am delighted to be able to bring our first musical act to the Jetty, and I can promise that our opening night performance from Britney Gruesome won’t disappoint. Forget waiting until September to pay to see the next tribute act at the White Elephant Enclosure, come to the Jetty for free!
I listened to feedback from residents who told me they thought The Jetty was dark and dreary before, so I’ve had the entire place painted in white and now it’s not so dark in here.
It’s going to be a great weekend for music lovers, as well as Britney on Friday we’ve got a Status Rut tribute on Saturday night, if you like to hear the same song on repeat then come along and join us!”
SomersetClive editor, Clive Saint, has told us that he may well pop along, but only if Tom is going to give him free beer all night.