After the bombshell revelation yesterday, when SomersetClive released the news that the BeFuddled Party Councillors on Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council have failed to deliver on their promise to be ‘Open, Honest and Transparent’, with Deputy Dictator Cllr Sherry introducing her own rules for her Human Resources Sub-Committee and instead being ‘Closed, Liars and Opaque’, our reporters felt they needed to take it easy for the day.*
Rather than bring you more ‘Special Reports’ about the nefarious goings-on behind the firmly closed doors at the Hayloft Road Palace Retirement Home for Bemused and Bewildered BeFuddled Party ex-Teachers (and Others), we thought we’d take a look at the SomersetClive discussion forum to discover the hottest topic amongst residents in Smalltown and Dullbridge.
(*Note: There is absolutely no truth in the rumour that we have all used our press credentials to blag free tickets to the Dalstonbury Festival.)
Guys, does anybody know what the black particles are all the way along the Smalltown seafront steps?
Coal dust from Welsh mines
It could be, but why has it suddenly appeared. I can remember something similar in the distant past.
Pedantic Policeman
Not like you to forget your punctuation, Nurk. Weres the question mark at the end of the first sentence?
Pedantic Policeman
Dammed autocorrect.
Prue Terrace
From the old Coal Yard in Lymouth Street. Thought you’d remember that.
Pedantic Policeman
Prue Terrace
Why don’t you get on your bike and cycle to Wales. See if you can find the source.
Pedantic Policenan
Is that comment for me? I don’t have a bike.
Prue Terrace
Prue Terrace wrote ‘Why don’t you get on your bike and cycle to Wales. See if you can find the source.’
Because I don’t think it’s come from Wales. I think it’s come from Chemtrails. They are covering us in thick black dust so that when the Great Reset comes we won’t be able to see so won’t be able to do anything about it.
I blame Brexit.
That’s what you get for voting Illiberal or BeFuddled. They don’t look out for the working man.
Prue Terrace
NURK hasn’t worked a day in his life.
Prue Terrace – You know that’s not true. I’m retired now, but I did work on the 43rd of February 1969.
It was after I cycled over the Himalayas, but before I rode a TukTuk through Mongolia.
Prue Terrace – Now look what you’ve started. He’s going to bore us all to death with tales of his travels.