Another Illiberal Party member finds themselves under Dictator Dullard’s microscope.
Councillor Catty Staring
Illiberal Party
Councilor Staring has been an extremely quiet member of Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council even though she has sat on the Finance and Misappropriation, White Elephant Enclosure, Dead and Buried and Town Unimprovements Committee.
I have asked around in the staff room and the only contribution anyone can remember her making is an impassioned plea for people to “think about the cats” during a discussion about the Festival of Fireworks.
I have to wonder if Cllr Staring actually wanted to be a Councillor or if she just tagged along to make up the numbers.
During meetings she often adopts a vacant expression and tries to make herself as small as possible to avoid notice. I have noticed that several of my BeFuddled Party Councillors have taken to following her example.
Her attendance is similarly pathetic as she has attended 21 out of a possible 27 meetings, giving her a rather average score of 78%.
Effort: 0/10
Achievement: Minus 24/10
Conclusion: I am afraid that I really do not understand the point of Cllr Staring. However, I have been told that she makes cakes in her spare time – of which she must have plenty – so she does have a redeeming features.