Dictator Dullard finishes the week with her End of Term Report for her fellow BeFuddled Party conspirator. She will return next week with the final four reports, sharing her opinions of the remaining Illiberal Party members.
Deputy Dictator Eugenie Sherry
BeFuddled Party
Cllr Sherry chairs the White Elephant Enclosure Mismanagement and Human Resources Secret Committees, as well as serving on the Finance and Misappropriation Committee for Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council.
Since becoming chair of the HR Secret Committee she has successfully managed to ensure that these meetings are now carried out behind closed doors and shrouded in secrecy. Prior to her taking up the position of chair, agendas and minutes for the HR committee appeared on the SaD Town Council website, but Cllr Sherry deemed this approach to be too open, honest and transparent.
At our very first Council meeting Cllr Sherry tried unsuccessfully to block members of the public from taking notes or recording our meetings, but was told that under the Local Government Act residents have the right to do so if they wish, she has never got over this need for SaD TC to be so open and transparent.
Cllr Sherry carries a little black notebook with her at all times in which she jots down the names of any resident or Councillor who she deems to have upset her. She can often be seen in meetings scribbling away furiously as she notes the names, physical descriptions, addresses and inside leg measurements of anyone who dares to disagree with her. I understand that her first notebook is full already and she is halfway through the second.
A staunch supporter of the White Elephant Enclosure she has, and continues to, battle against those who say that spending £1 out of every £5 collected from Council tax payers is a bad thing. She firmly believes that the vast majority of residents who pay to keep the WEE open should continue to do so in order to benefit the small percentage of residents who do. This is Cllr Sherry’s idea of democracy.
Cllr Sherry’s attendance has been exemplary, having attended 19 out of a possible 19 meetings, in order to ensure that she has full control over decisions. She has also made the most of any photo opportunities that I haven’t been able to attend, which has included posing for photos for Mike Maxman’s website in an Indian restaurant and as part of the Pride – a Really Unique Diverse Event (PRUDE), despite not being part of the group.
Effort: 3/10
Achievement: 2/10
Bronze Star.
Conclusion: With her love of holding secret meetings behind closed doors and making decisions on behalf of other councillors, Deputy Dictator Sherry should continue to be a member of Dictator Dullard’s triumvirate. It has been good to work with her.