Missing in Action?

For the second time in a row Squire Teflon has failed to attend a Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council White Elephant Enclosure Mismanagement Committee meeting.

Teflon was notably absent from the February meeting and also failed to appear on Tuesday night at a meeting to discuss the facility, which he famously paid a £1 to save for the nation.

Currently there are several theories to explain his non-appearance:-

  1. He is still pining for his beloved Most-Magnificent Employee Smalltown Culture and Arts Manager (SCAM), Debby Karmary and has refused to attend any meetings until she is reinstated.
  2. He doesn’t want the current WEE Mismanagement Committee to benefit from his years of running the WEE as a successful business, costing Council Tax Payers almost £1 million in subsidies. In this way he can’t be blamed for any decisions made by the current Committee.
  3. He is practising for his role as a Prospective Parliamentary Missing Person.
  4. His close-friend and employer Mistress Bones has needs which he has to fulfill.
  5. He is unable to get to the Hayloft Road Palace Retirement Home for Bemused and Bewildered BeFuddled Party ex-Teachers (and Others) because he has no transport as his car is currently without an MoT certificate or road tax.
  6. He is trapped in his bedsit behind a mountain of empty Albanian Whiskey bottles.
  7. He hadn’t finished his evening paper round.
  8. He is currently detained at His Majesty’s pleasure, following the fracas in Kidlington Street earlier this month.
  9. He has a new love-interest and, although he told Mistress Bones he was going to the meeting, he didn’t.
  10. Someone has stolen all his pens.

Anyone who can shed any light on where the Squire is is asked to contact SquireWatch at SomersetClive.

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