Rumours have circulated overnight in Smalltown and Dullbridge that Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council will be holding a ‘Meet your Councillors’ session today in Dullbridge.
Elsie Smutt told SomersetClive “My Cousin heard from her Sister, who got it from her Uncle, who was told by his Great-Great Grandfather’s Mum’s neighbour that she’d read on Media Tycoon Mike Maxman’s terrific website SmalltownandDullbridgedotcom that there’s to be a ‘Meet Your Councillors’ session in Dullbridge today.
I’ve checked the Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council website and there’s nothing about it on there. Is it a very late April Fool’s joke? “
Your intrepid reporter immediately checked the SaDTC website and can confirm that there is indeed nothing on there about a meeting.
However, further Internet research confirmed that Media Tycoon Mike Maxman’s super-duper website does have a story buried midway down the page which confirms that a meeting will be held in Dullbridge today.
We managed to rouse a spokesperson for SaDTC who said “What do you want? Do you know what time it is? I was asleep.
Yes. There is a meeting. Two in fact. One in Dullbridge today and another in Smalltown tomorrow. We’ve left the announcement until now, because although this is a ‘Meet your Councillors’ meeting our Councillors really don’t want to meet anyone.
The meetings are being held ahead of the next meeting of Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council, which isn’t a Town Council meeting at all, but is, in fact the Annual Town Meeting. As you can tell we are still trying to work out the difference between the two.”
Among the Councillors expected to attend will be all those who don’t have a job, including Headmistress and Mayor Kelsey Dullard, Deputy Headmistresses and Deputy Mayors Sherry and Knickers and all the other BeFuddled Party Town Councillors.
As a special treat, BeFuddled Town Councillor Robb Apprentice-Candlestick Maker is also being allowed to attend, as it is half-term and his school is closed, and he’s finished all his homework.
Today’s meeting is at the Porland Community Hub between 11.30am and 1.30pm (with a break for lunch between 12-1). Tomorrow’s meeting will be held at Smalltown Library, again between 11.30am and 1.30pm (with a break for lunch between 12-1).
Anyone who is unemployed or retired and has nothing better to do is welcome.
(Editor – Steve, what have I told you about these glowing references to Mike Maxman’s media empire? He is NOT going to give you a job. So cut it out. )