Two nights of riotous comedy are promised at the White Elephant Enclosure on 3rd and 4th March, as the McCads Amateur Dramaticists (MAD) tread the boards with a performance of a new play.
‘Dead Serious’ has been written especially for MAD by local playwright Ffion Ffume and is based on Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Councillor Jock McCads’ experience as a member of the WEE Mismanagement Committee.
Former committee chair Squire Teflon is still doing his best to convince everyone that the WEE must be saved for the nation. The only problem is the idea of SaD Town Council owning and operating a WEE is dead in the water.
With the current Mismanagement Committee made up of Councillors who couldn’t make a decision if their lives depended on it, and the gap between income and expenditure ever widening, will he still be able to pull it off?
A MAD spokesprompter said “If you are planning on coming along to watch then please be warned that the aisle seats (which are by far the comfiest because you take advantage of the extra leg room) have practically sold out, so if you are yet to book tickets please remember to bring a cushion with you on the night, because otherwise your bottom will never forgive you.”
MAD is a Smalltown and Dullbridge based theatre company that performs only original work, all created by local writers. The group welcomes new members with rehearsals being held alternately at the White Elephant Enclosure and Porland Hall.
Tickets are available from the WEE at a very reasonable price which doesn’t include a free hot dog or pre-show meal. After show drinks will be at the George Hotel because the WEE bar shuts after the interval.