Amongst the planning applications due for consideration by the Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council Planning and Scheming Committee is one from the Wooden Spoon Cafe in Dullbridge, seeking to add a licence for the sale of alcohol in the premises.
The Wooden Spoon Cafe is part of the Dullbridge Accommodation for Drunks And Drug Addicts (DADADA) building, formerly the Dullbridge Hotel before a mysterious fire razed it to the ground.
A spokesperson for DADADA said “We hear a lot of complaints from local people about our residents. They claim that people staying at our premises are often to be seen hanging around in Jumbly Gardens swigging White Lightning from cans and hurling abuse at passers-by.
Currently they purchase their alcohol from the local shops. Indeed, it has been said that it is only the sale of alchohol that keeps those shops open.
By bringing the sale of alcohol in-house and allowing consumption of drink both inside and outside of our premises we hope to be able to reduce the number of complaints, by making it easier for our residents to purchase their supplies without the need to leave the building and, as a bonus, make money for ourselves.”
Dullbridge resident Maud Lynn said “This really can only be a good thing if it encourages the drunks and druggies to do their thing behind closed doors. We have been saying for ages that getting these people off the streets of Dullbridge would be a start to improving the image of the area and locking them all in one room at DADADA would be a start.”
SaD Town Councillors will be thinking about the application before passing on their thoughts to Sadgebore District Council for the actual decision.