Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council are asking residents to send in their nominations for the Community Champion Citizen Citations.
The Citations are awarded to local people who have contributed to the community in some way, and this year Headmistress and Mayor Cllr Kelsey Dullard is particularly keen to hear from friends and family of teachers and ex- teachers who have made an outstanding contribution to Smalltown by
- coaching a school sports team
- volunteering to stay after school to help with extra-curricular activities
- marking homework
- running a school fete
- helping the school choir
- assisting on a school trip
- organising the school play
- helping in a school
Cllr Dullard said “I am really looking forward to welcoming the award winners to a special tea party to be held in their honour this year. It is time to recognise those teachers who work consistently for the benefit of our schools.
Last year we had lots of nominations, but none of them were teachers, so this year I want to redress the balance.
Nominations should include your name written on the top of a sheet of A4 paper together with the full name and address of the person you are nominating. You should include a minimum of 400 words giving the reasons why you have nominated this person.
The closing date for entries is Friday 10th February and I will be marking all submissions myself.”
SomersetClive understands that all submissions should be made online via the Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaDTC) Town Council Examination Portal. Users will need to sign in for this service using their unique User Community Champion Access Service (UCCAS) reference number. Anyone not using this service will have their work returned to them ungraded.