Media Tycoon Mike Maxman, owner of the award-winning and World famous ‘Smalltown-and-Dullbridge-SaD.com’ website (Ed – Steve, isn’t it about time we won some awards? Get on to it.) has been accused of ‘censorship’ after several topics concerning the White Elephant Enclosure were removed without warning or explanation.
The threads, which were mostly concerned with the amount of council tax payer’s money wasted on the WEE were mentioned during the Extraordinary Meeting of the Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council WEE Mismanagement Committee by Squire Teflon who claimed that the content had been posted by a “Minority of extremely vociferous residents who haven’t got a clue what they are talking about and therefore shouldn’t be entitled to an opinion.”
Residents in Smalltown and Dullbridge have questioned the removal of the threads and what would seem to be a ban on anyone daring to criticise the way the White Elephant Enclosure is managed and the spend of almost a million pounds of tax payer’s money on the underused facility.
“That Squire! He must have applied pressure on Mr Maxman to get it removed. We are no longer allowed an opinion if it differs from his. This is censorship. You can see why Smalltown is twinned with Houng Loww in North Korea.” said resident Leonard Stalin.
Former Councillor Fencesitter, who had made a number of posts defending the WEE said “To be honest I’m rather pleased. I’ve had to spend an awful lot of time trying to think up ways to make it sound as if the WEE is a successful venture and it’s been exhausting.”
Squire Teflon has been seen behind the counter of his close-friend and employer Mistress Bones’ Newspaper and Tat Emporium rubbing his hands with glee and saying “I won’t have people criticising my WEE. I’ve shown them. My power is all encompassing and these residents need to remember who I am.
This is the second time this year that the Squire has insisted that topics be removed from the website, with the previous occasion being in March as we reported here.
SomersetClive contacted Mr Maxman for comment, but we understand that his email settings mean that our communications go straight into his junk folder, so no reply has been forthcoming.