Nominations ssought

The Smalltown Chamber of Trade (SCOT) and the Smalltown Shops (SS) group are seeking nominations for a local person to turn the Christmas lights on during the upcoming ‘Winter War’ event.

Spokespeople for both groups said “We are working together, yet separately, on plans for the Christmas Event in Smalltown. However, we’ve completely run out of minor local celebrities to perform the switch on, so we are now asking the community for suggestions.

Ideally we’d like someone that people in the town will know and recognise, but we are willing to consider anyone really. Except the Chairman of the Carnivoo Committee Bill Olds – no one wants to give him a platform after everything he’s done to besmirch the name of Smalltown.”

The SCOT spokesperson continued “Plans for our Christmas Light Switch-On Event are progressing nicely, work has started on digging trenches and building gun emplacements in our area of the town to ensure that members of the other group can’t interfere with our part of the event. It’s shaping up to be a great day.”

Very, very, very, very important self-proclaimed leader of the SS, Lady Brassy of Easton-under-Water added “Plans for our Christmas Light Switch-On Event are progressing nicely, work has started on digging trenches and building gun emplacements in our area of the town to ensure that members of the other group can’t interfere with our part of the event. It’s shaping up to be a great day.”

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