New SADSAD announced

Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council has announced the appointment of a new Smalltown and Dullbridge Smalltown Administration Deputy (SaDSAD).

Eileen Slutton, originally employed as an Ambient Customer Meeting Executive (ACME) or ‘receptionist’ in old money, rose swiftly through the ranks at Hayloft Road due to the lack of any other staff and was previously the Acting Irresponsible Finance Officer.

Announcing the appointment, Councillor Eugenie Sherry, Head of the Staff Room said “Ms Slutton has been the perfect member of staff. She has devoured the Staff Handbook from cover to cover, and is fully aware of the need to keep her desk tidy and ensure her uniform is neatly pressed and therefore look presentable at all times.

I have been so impressed by her performance that I didn’t hesitate to promote her when we realised that we didn’t have an alternative candidate for the role.”

In an unusual move the appointment was announced on AceCrook before the news was revealed to the other Councillors for agreement.

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