Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council has announced the cancellation of another Committee Meeting which was scheduled to take place at the Hayloft Road Palace Retirement Home for Bemused and BeFuddled ex-Teachers (and Others).
This time it’s the Town Unimprovements meeting, which was due to take place on Monday 12th September, which has bitten the dust.
Announcing the news, the Smalltown New Administration Guru (SNAG), Katie Global said “As a newcomer to Smalltown and Dullbridge it has quickly become obvious to me that there is absolutely nothing that can be done to unimprove the towns that hasn’t been done already, so it seemed pretty stupid to have a meeting to discuss this.
Anyway, it hasn’t been ‘cancelled’ it’s been ‘postponed’ to a later date, in case any of the Councillirs can come up with any ideas to unimprove the area.”
Asked for comment Squire Teflon said “In all my years in charge we never cancelled or postponed a single meeting. These BeFuddleds have no idea if they are coming or going. This is the fifth meeting that has been cancelled since they assumed control five months ago. It’s always for the flimsiest of reasons too. ‘Nothing to unimprove’! There’s plenty to unimprove and loads of money left in the piggy bank which could be thrown at all sorts of ridiculous projects. I’ve never heard anything like it in all my life.”
Amongst the matters which should have been up for discussion were the latest round of Town Council grants to deserving causes in the area, although it is understood that SaDTC have been inundated with requests after BeFuddled Councillor, Banish Barracuda, let the cat out of the bag and encouraged groups and organisations to apply. Previously, Town Council grants were only available to close friends of Squire Teflon.