A new battleground

Soon to be abolished Sadgebore Council has announced a deathbed initiative for Smalltown Town Centre.

Commenting at a recent Smalltown & Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council meeting, Sadgebore announced the foundation of the Smalltown Crisis in Retail Action Plan Executive (SCRAPE). The purpose of which will be to create a Smalltown Crisis in Retail Action Plan (SCRAP).

A meeting with a Specialist Leader in Action Planning (SLAP) has been arranged for later this month. The attendees are understood to be mainly the usual Councillor suspects of Squire Teflon, Banish Barracuda, Jock McCads, Sadgebore P45 recipients, as well as local representatives from the Smalltown Chamber of Trade (SCOT), Smalltown Shops (SS) and the Smalltown Leader of Usefulness & Tourism (SLUT)

SLAP or SCRAP? Probably sentiments directed to most of the attendees at one time or another.

(Ed – I’ve warned you before about too many acronyms. A close scrape indeed)

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