What’s on

At the White Elephant Enclosure

The latest offering from the Smalltown Culture and Arts Manager (SCAM), in her eternal effort to get bums on seats at the WEE by showing old films that everyone has either seen countless times already or doesn’t want to see, is a screening of ‘The Mature Student’.

Here’s a brief summary of the plot for anyone out there that doesn’t already know the story,

It’s 2014 and Missy is returning from the Charabanc Awards ceremony, with her home town of Smalltown waiting patiently for great news of a successful win. After the ceremony Mr. Teflonson, a friend of the family, offers to drive her home, which leads to an affair between the two.

As we closed for press absolutely no tickets for today’s screening had been sold. Not one. Not. A. Single. Ticket. That could change over the course of the day, but if not there’s really not much point in anyone turning the lights or heating on at the WEE. Just close the doors and admit defeat.

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