SomersetClive understands the Smalltown Shops (SS) group is on the brink of implosion.
Whilst the huge volumes of cake subpoenaed from cowering local traders for the forthcoming Titanium jubilee might lead to the buckling of any fragile item, the cause is to be found in the fabled SS LotsCrap group.
Your reporter heard a whisper recently of a financial shortfall in the plans of the SS. With the BeFuddleds having shut off financing from the Hayloft Road cash cow, alternative arrangements were needed.
Step forward SS Dictator Lady Penelope Brassy of Easton under Water on LotsCrap. When requests for sponsorship from “members” went unheeded, her tone became outright mischievous.
Lady Brassy threatened to name and shame non contributors. An enormous row has ensued, leading to hysterical posts on AceCrook about how the event is going to be the biggest triumph since the last one wasn’t.
Regime change is in the air. With the SS having failed to service the electoral needs of Squire Teflon and close friend Mistress Bones, it appears to be only a matter of time before the SS is disbanded and its leaders cast out into darkness. Otherwise known as Dullbridge.