The dust is beginning to settle after the staggering, incredible and astonishing turn of events which transpired in Somerset on Friday following the local elections.
In the space of 24 hours, Somerset Cuonty Council went from being under an Illiberal majority to being ‘Tangoed’ as the BeFuddleds won control of the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council.
But after looking at the results in a lot more detail, there are some early conclusions we can draw, regarding why people voted the way they did and what it means for Somerset’s future. Here are nine things we’ve learned from staring at the results for days:-
- The mild weather was favourable towards bicycling BeFuddled voters.
- The rise in fuel costs meant Illiberal pensioners couldn’t afford to put petrol in their cars
- Some people voted.
- And some people didn’t.
- More people voted for BeFuddled Party Candidates.
- Not so many people voted for Illiberal Party candidates.
- The BeFuddled Party won.
- The Illiberal Party didn’t win.
- Errrm. That’s about it.