The Illiberal Party candidates in Smalltown and Dullbridge are promising more of the same if they are elected as councillors for Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council.
“We’ve been running things just the way the Squire likes it for years and will continue to do more of the same for the next five years.
We’ve listened to the concerns of the electorate for the first time since the last election and, although we’ve promised in our manifesto to make the issues raised a priority, as our previous record shows we won’t be acting on any of them.
Instead we will give ever increasing sums of money to the White Elephant Enclosure as well as even more money in the form of grants to the Squire’s close friend, Mistress Bones, to help her and her Smalltown Shops (SS) and Smalltown and Dullbridge Duplicated Events and Social Team (SADDEST) groups run the hugely unsuccessful events for which she is famed.
Because of all this expenditure from council coffers there will be absolutely NO free buns for any resident in Smalltown or Dullbridge.”