The departure of failed grocer, Dick Growing-Black, from Smalltown & Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council was at the height of the omegavirus pandemic.
Growing-Black misjudged his significance when dealing with matters relating to the re-opening of Main Street. His views, conflicting with those of Mistress Bones, lead directly to the creation of the LotsCrap group known now as Smalltown Shops (SS). For that reason alone, Growing-Black has a lot for which to answer.
Despite Horace Monsoon partying, elections to fill the SaD Growing-Black hole were delayed until last May. The Befuddled’s protege-in-waiting, Banish Barracuda, was defeated by new illiberal, Julia Slurry.
Having won the election, Slurry has ‘done a Synn’ and dumped the Growing-Black hole of Smalltown Central in favour of Smalltown Posh.
Rather than leaving the field open for Barracuda to bore the electorate into voting for him with another overly complicated pie chart about Smalltown Town Centre business composition, Cllr Julia Slurry had another idea. To spray Slurry across more parts of Smalltown by introducing Mr Julia Slurry to the illiberal candidate list!
With the retirement of the Fencesitters this raises the prospect of a new undynamic duo on SaD Town Council. Or could this be an unholy alliance between the Mistress and Mr Julia? There’s more chance of Squire Teflon staying faithful to Mistress Bones and away from Cllr Julia if Mr Julia has oversight.
Otherwise the excrement may well and truly hit the fan.