Synn speaks!

The Old Lighthouse Hotel

A former hotel on the sea front in Smalltown has won Town Council approval for a change of use to a House of Multi-Occupancy (HMO).

The recent Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council Planning and Scheming Committee saw Councillors discuss the application at length.

Councillor Barking expressed concerns about the parking situation at the former Old Lighthouse Hotel, but concluded “I never had a problem parking my vehicle outside my own property on the Promenade. There was always space in a loading bay or on double-yellow lines, so I can’t really see this being an issue.”

“We need to support this application from the developers, because otherwise the building could fall victim to a Dullbridge Hotel style accident.

Cllr Pennyfarthing said “I think this is a great idea, which will bring extra trade to all the pizza takeaways in the area.” He noted that the building is in Smalltown’s conservation area and that the proposal made mention of painting the building in different colours.

New Committee member, Saul Synn, then piped up “I was told in the Illiberal Party LotsCrap group to make this comment, because it will make it look as if I know what I’m doing here, so here goes. Will it be painted in pastel colours?”

As no one knew the answer he was ignored, but was later congratulated by his fellow Illiberal party councillors for making a contribution.

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