Town Council to replace signs

The news that the rusting and illegible fingerpost signs in Smalltown are “set to be replaced by Town Council” brought joy to the SomersetClive office this morning, as we misunderstood the press release and wrongly assumed that the Town Council planned to replace the direction signs with Councillors.

As we read on our welcome vision of Councillors hoisted aloft and swinging from the poles evaporated, as it seems the old signs are merely being replaced with new signs funded from the Chernobyl By Sea Slush Fund.

Using typical Town Council logic the date for the hire of the ladder to affix the signs is immovable, so some of the signs and poles may require painting after the signs have been put up, which will require another day’s hire of the ladder and will need more careful application of the paint. Or (based on the previous application of paint to the bollards) not.

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