It has been revealed that Squire Teflon has asked Prince Andrew for advice on dealing with negative comments on social media.
Over recent days Squire Teflon has had to deal with the fallout, caused by posting aggressive comments and personal attacks on local residents in an AceCrook group, after one too many late night Albanian Whiskies.
The Squire further compounded the issue by claiming he had “No recollection of ever visiting that Acebook group. None whatsoever. It never happened. It couldn’t have happened because I was eating a takeaway pizza at the time the incident occurred.”
He further claimed that a medical condition prevents him from posting on AceCrook. “I can’t post on AceCrook because my account was recently hacked and I had to change the password. I suffer from a little known condition called’ Selective Amnesia’, which means I can’t remember things when it’s convenient not to. I can no longer remember my new password when it suits me not to be able to and this was one of those occasions. “
When presented with screenshots of his alleged posts Teflon insisted “That is a screenshot of a screenshot of a screenshot. Nobody can prove that that post hasn’t been altered in some way. It’s well known that admins of AceCrook groups can alter posts so that they are entirely different from the original.”
The Prince, who is widely regarded as an expert in the subject, has been dealing with bad press for several years and is understood to have advised Squire Teflon to take part in an interview with local media tycoon, Mike Maxman, and to then never talk about it again.