Dullbridge Christmas Light Switch on

Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council told a man, who told his wife, who told her sister, who told her husband, who told all his workmates, one of whom contacted SomersetClive to tell us that the Dullbridge Christmas Light will be switched on by the Town Mayor the week after the Ignite Smalltown event (27 November).

SaD awarded a very generous £9.40 to cover the cost of a new bulb for the light which will be hung from one of the existing trees in Jumbly Gardens.

A large crowd has already begun to gather in the gardens in anticipation of the event. Several members of the crowd have been making their own decorations to add to the festive feeling, including a very artful tree, crafted entirely from beer bottles and decorated with scrunched up bits of tin foil and crushed cider cans (Sponsored by White Lightning).

The Mayor will perform the switch on at 5pm and will then beat a hasty retreat back to the safety of his own home. Due to budget limitations there will be no mince pies or glasses of mulled wine on offer, so other local indignities are not expected to attend.

There will be absolutely nothing else going on because SaD Town Council have blown the rest of the Christmas budget on sponsoring two separate festive events in Smalltown.

During the meeting to discuss funding Cllr. Trolley said “I don’t think we need to waste money on Dullbridge. To do so would show we care and I don’t think we want to go that far. I’m sure no one will notice the disparity in funding.”

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